build your own visa and relocation package!

At Groovy Relocation, we understand that every journey is unique. That’s why we offer our “Build-Your-Own Visa & Relocation Package,” a flexible solution designed to cater to your specific needs, whether you’re moving solo, with family, or planning to start your professional journey in Spain.

At Groovy Relocation, we understand that every journey is unique. That’s why we offer our “Build-Your-Own Visa & Relocation Package,” a flexible solution designed to cater to your specific needs, whether you’re moving solo, with family, or planning to start your professional journey in Spain.

Choose from a wide range of services to create a package that fits your situation perfectly

tailor your experience

Application for a Spanish Visa for the Main Applicant

Kickstart your adventure with our expert guidance on navigating the visa application process, ensuring a smooth transition to Spain.

Application for Family Members

Bringing your loved ones along? We’ll assist in the
application process for your family members, making sure everyone is taken care of.

Application for the Beckham's Law

Benefit from our specialized advice on the Beckham’s Law application, optimizing your tax situation in Spain. This will be done after approval of the residency.

House Search

Find your perfect home with our comprehensive house search service, tailored to your preferences and requirements.

Translation of Documents

There’s no need for you to navigate the hassle of finding reliable translators or soliciting multiple quotes. We’ve secured competitive rates with topnotch translators to manage this aspect seamlessly on your behalf. When you include this service in your package, we’ll ensure that only the necessary documents are translated, avoiding any unnecessary expenses. 

Set Up as Autónomo

Ready to start your business or freelance in Spain? We’ll guide you through the process of setting up as an autónomo, making sure you’re up and running in no time. The Digital Nomad Visa requires participants to register as autónomo, making this step essential for compliance and the smooth continuation of your professional activities, so we advise incorporating this service if this is your case.

Apostille of Documents

We simplify the process of getting your documents apostilled, making sure they’re legally recognized in Spain.

With our "Build-Your-Own Visa & Relocation Package," you're in control.

Mix and match services according to your needs, and we’ll provide a personalized quote that reflects your choices.

Our goal is two fold: to simplify your transition by managing as many aspects of the process as we can and to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in meeting timelines. This approach not only alleviates the need for you to engage multiple service providers but also enhances our ability to coordinate every step of your move. Backed by our expertise, Groovy Relocation is your trusted partner in turning your Spanish dream into reality. Build and buy your package today and take the first step towards your Spanish lifestyle!

Mix and match services according to your needs, and we’ll provide a personalized quote that reflects your choices.

Our goal is two fold: to simplify your transition by managing as many aspects of the process as we can and to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in meeting timelines. This approach not only alleviates the need for you to engage multiple service providers but also enhances our ability to coordinate every step of your move. Backed by our expertise, Groovy Relocation is your trusted partner in turning your Spanish dream into reality. Build and buy your package today and take the first step towards your Spanish lifestyle!