Digital nomad visa Spain
The Spanish “Digital Nomad Visa” (temporary residency permit) grants you the opportunity to live in Spain for up to three years when applying from within Spain. Extendable for an additional two years, this visa offers flexibility to move around the EU and the possibility of permanent residency after five years of residing in Spain.
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This Visa allows you to stay in the country for one year if you apply from abroad (from the consulate) or for three years if you apply from Spain. After that period of time you can renew it for up to 5 years, and after 5 years you can ask for the permanent residency in Spain.
It also allows you to move around all the European Union countries during the duration of your visa.
Special tax regime: beckham's law for digital nomad visa holders
Regarding the Beckham Law, which establishes a distinctive tax framework for non-residents in Spain, we’re pleased to announce that digital nomads are now eligible for this scheme! Until January 2023, there was considerable debate among accountants and lawyers about whether digital nomads could benefit from this law, as eligibility depended on its interpretation and the official application form had not been updated yet. However, the criteria have been broadened beyond traditional relocation scenarios, such as being under contract with a Spanish company or holding a directorial role with less than 25% share ownership. Now, it also encompasses individuals employed by overseas companies but working remotely from Spain, offering a tailored solution for the digital nomad lifestyle.
To qualify for the special tax rate of 24% (for earnings up to €600,000 per year) or 47% (for earnings over €601,000 per year) under the Beckham Law, one typically needed to move to Spain for professional reasons. Previously, digital nomads, who often relocate to Spain for personal reasons and whose work does not necessitate their physical presence, were excluded from this provision. However, the eligibility criteria have now expanded to include digital nomads. This update allows individuals working remotely for companies, irrespective of the company’s location, to apply for the Beckham Law’s benefits, provided they relocate to Spain.
The application for the Beckham Law must be submitted within the first six months of establishing residency in Spain, with approval contingent upon meeting specific requirements.
This opportunity is only available to those who have not been Spanish residents for at least five years prior to applying for the visa. This five-year rule does not apply for individuals who were residents in another EU country.
Applying from Spain or from abroad?
People often wonder about the distinctions between applying for the “Digital Nomad Visa” from Spain or from abroad through a consulate. There are two main differences:
If you apply from abroad, you will be applying for the Digital Nomad Visa. If approved, it will allow you to live and work remotely from Spain for one year. It’s important to note that this year spent in Spain won’t count towards your long-term residency or citizenship goals, should you have such aspirations.
On the other hand, when you apply from Spain, you are actually applying for the Digital Nomad Residency Permit, although it is colloquially known as the “DNV” or “Digital Nomad Visa.” This permit allows you to live and work remotely in Spain for three years, with the option to renew it for two more years. In this case, those initial three years count towards your eligibility.
Book your service
Submission only
- Reviewing documents.
- Payment of DNV fee on your behalf
- Submission of the application
- Handling of translations
- Answering emails re. documents' questions.
- Consultation call - can be paid separately, 60€ - 30min call.
- Filling of application forms
- Appealing if denied
Supported process
- Reviewing documents
- Payment of DNV fee on your behalf
- We handle translations
- Email support: we will answer your questions throughout the process and until approval.
- Filling of forms
- Submission of the application
- Personal assessment (includes 15 min call)
- Appeal included if needed
Do you meet the REQUIREMENTS?
- You can demonstrate sufficient experience and education either by having 3 years of work-related experience in your job's field prior to the application, or by having a related university degree or similar.
- You have a clean criminal record for the last 5 years and are not prohibited from entering Spain.
- Private health insurance is not mandatory for the Digital Nomad Visa, but we usually recommend having private health insurance. Read our blog to know how the Spanish health system works.
- The company/s you work for are located outside of Spain. Income received in Spain or by Spanish companies does not represent more than 20% of your total income.
- You earn at least 2.646€ a month, or 31.752€ a year if you come by yourself. In case that you want to bring family members, you will have to add a percentage for each member that comes with you. Add 75% for the first family member: 850,50€ a month or 11907€ a year. 25% for the second family member onwards: 290€ a month or 3969€ a year. You can keep adding 290€ for each family member that comes with you. For example, for a family of three it would be a total of 3787€ a month or 45444€ a year.
- There has been a continuous employment relationship of at least three months with your clients prior to the application and there will be real and continuous activity for at least one year. Your clients are companies, not people (for example if you get paid directly as a psychologist from your clients, you do not meet this requirement, but there are ways to be able to meet it).
- Your clients / companies you work for as a contractor have been active for at least one year.
- You are able to demonstrate that your position allows working remotely and that the company authorizes it.
- You are willing to register as autónomo (self-employed) and pay into Spanish Social Security in Spain once your residence permit has been granted.
- You can demonstrate sufficient experience and education either by having 3 years of work-related experience in your job's field prior to the application, or by having a related university degree or similar.
- You have a clean criminal record for the last 5 years and are not prohibited from entering Spain.
- Private health insurance is not mandatory for the Digital Nomad Visa, but we usually recommend having private health insurance. Read our blog to know how the Spanish health system works.
- The company/s you work for are located outside of Spain. Income received in Spain or by Spanish companies does not represent more than 20% of your total income.
- You earn at least 2.646€ a month, or 31.752€ a year if you come by yourself. In case that you want to bring family members, you will have to add a percentage for each member that comes with you. Add 75% for the first family member: 850,50€ a month or 11907€ a year. 25% for the second family member onwards: 290€ a month or 3969€ a year. You can keep adding 290€ for each family member that comes with you. For example, for a family of three it would be a total of 3787€ a month or 45444€ a year.
- As a remote worker you only work for one company and you can demonstrate that there has been a continuous employment relationship of at least three months with your employer.
- Your employer/company has been operating for at least 1 year at the moment of your application.
- If you are employed in a country with a bilateral agreement for the coordination of social security systems with Spain, you must provide the corresponding certificate of applicable Social Security legislation. If you can't get this certificate of coverage, your employer will have to register the company in Spain and pay into the Spanish' Social Security system. In 2024, the only two countries handing this certificate of coverage are the UK and Russia.
- You are able to demonstrate that your position allows working remotely and that the company authorizes it.
Yes, as long as you prove a professional relationship with the foreign companies for which you work for a minimum of three months and that the companies allow you to work in other countries, in this case Spain.
Yes, you can, as long as you meet the requirements to request long-term residence which are:
- Having resided legally and *continuously in Spanish territory for five years.
*You have a whole blog post about this in our blog. Continuity will not be affected by absences from Spanish territory of up to six continuous months, provided that the sum does not exceed ten months within five years. If it is for labor reasons, it may not exceed a total of one year within the five years required.
Option A: you can apply at one of the Spanish Consulates abroad, paying the consular fee (the quantity is not published yet). If you do it from a consulate you will obtain a Visa for 1 year.
Option B: you can apply from Spain while here on a tourist visa, student visa or other types of residency permits. You can do this online at the UGE, paying the administrative fee of 73,26 euros, receiving a Digital Nomad residency authorisation for 3 years, renewable for another 2 years.
This applies for NON-EU-CITIZENS.
It means not overstaying the normal legal time for being in Spain which are:You can stay in Spain 90 days within a 180-day period.
For example:you can travel as many times as you want to Spain as long as you do not exceed 90 days within a 180-day period.
The number of days start counting from when you crossed the first border of the Schengen Area.
This applies for NON-EU-CITIZENS.
It means not overstaying the normal legal time for being in Spain which are:You can stay in Spain 90 days within a 180-day period.
For example:you can travel as many times as you want to Spain as long as you do not exceed 90 days within a 180-day period.
The number of days start counting from when you crossed the first border of the Schengen Area.
Yes, your spouse and family members that you can proof are dependant on you economically (descendants and ascendants). They can apply at the same time you apply or at a later time. Adults will be allowed to work in Spain, both as employed and as self employed.
You need to win x2 the SMI, which is 2160€ a month. Annually it is calculated x14 payments (not 12) so your yearly salary should be at least 30.300€ a year.
If you are bringing family members with you, you have to add up some amount for each member:
– The first additional family member adds up a 75% of the SMI, so, for a 2 people unit you would have to earn 2970 € a month.
– For a third and for further family members you have to add the 25% of the SMI. So, for a family unit of 2 adults and one child it would be 3x SMI/month (200% + 75% + 25%) = You would have to earn 3240 euros a month.
And so on with the rest of family members.
* SMI = interprofessional minimum wage
They can be absent a maximum of six months per calendar year to continue maintaining the requirements for obtaining the authorization.
It depends. As long as you can prove that you meet the requirements to acquire the Digital Nomad Visa, you will be able to apply for it.
For example, the Non-Profit Residency Visa:
It is assumed that you cannot be earning money (it is one of the requirements to apply for that residency permit), so in theory you could not apply for the Digital Nomad Visa because the requirements for both visas are not compatible. The same can happen with other residency permits. The reality is you CAN change from the Non Lucrative to the Digital Nomad Visa, and we have already had approvals for this case.
Employment relationship: you can only work for the company located outside the national territory, for which you perform the teleworking service.
Professional relationship: you can work for a company/clients located in Spain, as long as you maintain the professional relationship/s with the companies (or clients) with whom you requested the visa and as long as the percentage of your income coming from the Spanish company/s does not exceed 20% of your total professional activity. Your relationship with clients will always be a professional relationship (you cannot be employed in Spain with this visa).
You can if you haven’t been a resident for at least 5 years prior to getting the visa.
Taxes to pay according to the non-resident IRPF regime are 24% over incomes up to 600.000€ and 47%. from 600.000,01 € onwards.
You will be allowed to pay as a non-resident for a maximum of 5 years after the tax year that you applied in.
Processing the visa costs 73,26€. This fee must be paid before presenting the application. To present the visa you will also need a NIE, which costs 9,84€.
Other expenses will include the apostille for government documents, official translation of the criminal record and your private medical insurance at least for the first year. These prices can vary.
My services DO NOT include the payment of third party fees (Taxes, Notary Expenses, translations, apostille or legalization of documents, etc.)