The social security number is personal and unique. This is the identification number for everything related to Social Security.
Registering with social security allows access to the public health system, allows processing the health card at the health center closest to home and access to medical care free of charge.
To obtain it, it is necessary to have a NIE number and a residence permit if you are not a citizen of the European Union.
Get in touch if you need help navigating through any of the Spanish administrative procedures.
Steps for applying for the assignment of a Social Security Number
Search for the Social Security Treasury office closest to your registration address. You can do it on this website. In some cases it is necessary to request an appointment, in other cases it is by arrival turn.
Fill out and print the application form. It is important to do it in capital letters.
If you are a EU community citizen, go to the office with the following documents:
- Application form
- Temporary NIE (sheet)
- Passport
- Complete application and pre-employment contract if you have it (it is not mandatory).
In case of not being a EU community citizen go to the office with the following documents:
- Application form
- Temporary NIE (sheet)
- Passport
- Favorable resolution of immigration residence visa or work permit.
They will give you a sheet with your personal data and social security number.